Our Causes
Community Leadership
Community leadership starts with you. Join us in increasing donor impact, improving nonprofit performance, and promoting the longterm health of northern New Mexico.

Native American
Our region is fortunate to be the home of 23 pueblos, tribes, and nations. We support Native-led and -serving organizations to protect Indigenous lifeways today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

We believe in justice and equity for all in New Mexico. Join us in fighting discrimination, advancing support, and promoting the health and wellbeing of our friends in the LGBTQ+ community.

Black Philanthropy
We are committed to uplifting the health and well-being of Black New Mexicans in all aspects. Founded in 2023, the Empower! Black Futures Community Fund is a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to supporting Black life, arts, and culture in New Mexico.

Local Projects
Many grassroots initiatives need support on their journeys to becoming registered 501(c)3 nonprofits. Learn more about the local projects we provide administrative and financial assistance to.

Education is about more than what goes on in a classroom; it's also about opening doors to a brighter future. We work to empower our region’s children and youth with educational opportunities that carry them into successful careers and beyond.

Early Childhood
Early childhood, particularly ages prenatal to three years, is a critical developmental period with a lifelong impact on educational, social, physical, and cognitive development. We work to ensure our youngest and most vulnerable neighbors have the best start in life possible.

Impact Investing
How we invest can drive positive social and environmental change. We commit 10% of our pooled endowment assets to invest in promising local opportunities that promote our mission while providing financial return.
A new generation of philanthropists is rising—and they're rethinking what the sector can be. We engage, connect, and collaborate with our region's youngest philanthropists to help them maximize their giving power and realize their vision for the future.