Spring Community Grants
Grant summary
As part of our community grants program, the Santa Fe Community Foundation welcomes grant proposals from nonprofits in our funding region (Mora, San Miguel, Rio Arriba, and Santa Fe counties) that are engaged in direct service, policy advocacy, and/or collaborative efforts to improve outcomes in Civic & Economic Opportunities and Health & Human Services.
Additional information
Civic & Economic Opportunities
RESULT: Community members are aware of, engaged, and involved in issues that affect them.
We will support organizations that work to improve the following:
- Workforce development/job creation
- Open government
- Community engagement
- Social and economic justice
- Support of hourly workers
Through direct service, policy advocacy and/or collaboration efforts, priority strategies will address:
- Improving access to employment opportunities and economic advancement by low-income and other disadvantaged community members
- Providing career counseling, job training, and other programs to low wage earners to advance their skills
- Financial literacy training
- Increasing community involvement in activities that will influence public policy to strengthen communities
- Support public policy, civic engagement, community organizing or public information to improve and strengthen local economy
Health & Human Services
RESULT: All people are healthy and safe.
We will support organizations that work to improve the following outcomes in our communities:
- Access to affordable housing
- Food security
- Safety
- Access to health care
- Healthy neighborhood living conditions
- Senior services
Through direct service, policy advocacy, and/or collaboration efforts, priority strategies will address:
- Affordable housing and shelter for homeless and at-risk populations
- Access to affordable and high-quality food, including food banks, pantries, and community centers that distribute food and promote healthy eating and work to address “food deserts”
- Efforts to address safety for vulnerable populations, including domestic violence and child abuse prevention, bullying prevention in schools, safety issues specific to immigrant populations, low wage workers and communities of color
- Access to health services, including programs providing un- and under-insured populations with culturally appropriate and equitable access to quality health and wellness services such behavioral health (including addiction services) and groups working on cultural and generational trauma. Priority will be given to efforts applying a social determinants of health lens to the work
- Building healthy communities, including built environment and infrastructure, environmental quality (toxins and air/water quality), affordable and reliable transportation, and parks and recreation
- Providing services targeted at senior well-being, including memory care, depression, audiology, dementia, exercise, home care, hospice, and medication guidance.
- Systems change, including public policy, civic engagement, community organizing or public information to improve health and wellbeing of local residents
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